How DIY-ing Everything is Hurting Your Business


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Hey you!

Today I wanted to talk to you briefly about how DIY-ing everything in your business can hurt you in the long run. It can end up costing you thousands of dollars wasted time and missed opportunities.

I mean come on! We're in this business to make money right? We don't want to waste any dollars or time!

So don't get me wrong, I totally understand when you're first starting out you may not be able to afford to outsource everything. I totally get it. I'm totally there, still! But if you're new to business and you're watching this, keep these things in mind as your business grows.

And if you've been in business for a little while and you're still doing a lot of these things yourself, you may want to consider how much it can help you to start outsourcing these things to somebody who might be a little better at them than you are. So let's go!

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The first thing is your website. This is probably one of the first things you should think about when it comes to outsourcing and having a professional take it over. This is where your potential clients go to get a feel for you, and to get to know you before they actually reach out to you.

So you want to make sure that it gives them the best overall picture of you. If you have a DIY website and you're not a designer, chances are pretty good that there's some room for improvement on your site. I mean it's just a given. If design is not your thing, that's totally fine because it's not for everybody. But at some point it might be time for somebody to take over who knows what they're doing. If you keep trying to do it yourself, you'll likely end up wasting tons of time trying to get little things to work that someone else could do in a second.

You'll waste lots of money trying different themes or adding different plugins that you don't need trying to find the one that's the best fit for you, when somebody else may already know what that is. When you realize that you're spending that much time and money on it and not getting anywhere, then it might be better to hire somebody who knows how to get right the first time.

Your website can make all the difference in your business. So if you're ready to start leveling up but your website still says you're a beginner, that's going say a lot to your potential customers. And they may just decide to pass. You don't want that! You know want new customers and new clients!

The next thing that I wanted to talk to you about that it may be time to hire out is copywriting. This is a big one for me and I can't wait until I get a copywriter! This is something I struggle with. I mean we're not all writers and some of us are amazing at it and can whip out the best sales page or the best Facebook post in a matter of minutes.  And some of us can get by. That's kind of where I am.  And other people struggle with writing writing.  They hate it and just don't want to do it at all.

This kind of ties in with the website because a lot of copy goes on your website but it's also good for emails, social media posts, and anywhere else that you write to share your story and your business with other people. The truth is that it takes some really killer copy to get people interested in what you're saying. You've got to be able to hook them from the beginning. You've got to be able to make them want to keep reading and that's really hard to do sometimes.

It's really hard to do especially when it comes to a potential client where the littlest thing could make them click away from your page. And they may never come back.  So just like with the website, when it comes to copywriting, it's probably better to start looking into hiring somebody. When you're ready to up-level your services and your prices, you need a sales page that will really draw people in. You need emails that will get people to your sales pages and to do that, it's probably better to hire that out with somebody who knows exactly what a sales page needs to convert into a sale.

Even if you just hire somebody at first to make your about page and sales page stand out, it'll make a world of difference when people stop by your website.

The next thing that that can hurt you if you DIY it for too long are photos. Nothing up-levels your business like professional photos. Now don't get me wrong, it is a-ok to start out with iPhone photos or photos taken with a regular camera. I know I did and I still have some of those pics on my site. But when it comes down to it, and your business is rockin' and rollin', and you're ready to move on to that next level, it's time to get professional pictures.

I listed this under possible wasted opportunities because your photos stay a lot on your site and they stay a lot on your social media. If they are all kind of cohesive and they they're branded, then they really showcase you who you are as a business owner and speak to the people that you want to want to work with. Professional photos do this so much better than your regular iPhone photos.

It's okay to have some nice candid photos that were taken with your phone while you were on vacation. But if that's all you have on your site, then it's possible that it could turn potential clients off thinking that you aren't willing to invest in your business. It's one of those things that you'll have to work your way up to, but something definitely to keep in mind. And I'm sure that if you're trying to do it on a budget you can either find somebody in your area who is a relatively inexpensive or you could maybe even barter. Offer a photographer in your area some of your services, whatever it is you do, a website or something, in exchange for a few photos. 

So photos are definitely something to keep in mind. I think that it's very easy to pass them off as not important but they really are.

Last thing I have for you today is tech. This is my favorite! This could be anything from setting up a sales funnel in your email platform, it could be automating a client onboarding system, it could be setting up a new platform, setting up a webinar, or the tech side of a course. When you're finally putting it into teachable or whatever platform you're using.

It's true that most of the super popular platforms out there are fairly easy to learn, but if you're not a techy person or you're on a time crunch,  they can end up costing you a lot in the long run because you're spending more time on the back end automated stuff than the things that are going to make you money. You're spending more time trying to load the course in the teachable than you are creating the content that's actually going to get people to buy it.

It could definitely save you a lot of time and frustration if you hire out to somebody who's really good with the tech with the tech pieces - to knock those things out for you very quickly and efficiently so you can launch on time, so your course is ready on time, so your webinar works when it's time to go live.

I mean, there's always tech issues. Something could always pop up but it would be nice to know that everything is set up the way that it should be from the start and then if there's a problem, deal with that when it happens. But at least you know that getting started, everything is going the way that it should be.

I know that you're probably thinking some of this stuff is going to be money up front, and it is. I mean, hiring out will cost you money. But in the long run, it's going to save you a ton of time. If you are not a techie person or are on a time limit trying to launch by a certain day, or your webinar's this afternoon,  you know it'll save you a ton of time and frustration to just hire that tech stuffout to somebody who already knows what to do. They will be able to get in there and fix the problem or set it up for you without any issues. It'll be done and that will free you up to take care of the things that make money in your business.

Just simply setting up the tech for a webinar is not going to make your business any money. But when you have that set up and you know it's off your plate, you can focus on the content you're going to be sharing in your webinar that's what's going to make you money. Because if you give them killer content in the webinar they will probably become a client or a customer!

So those are the four things that I think are super important to stop DIY-ing at a certain point in your business. Now that point's going be different for everybody. I can't tell you when to stop doing that. But I know when you're ready to raise your prices, when you're ready to take on more clients, then these are some of the first things that you need to look at updating first.

Thank you for joining me today! I'm so glad you stopped by! If you have any questions or want to reach out to me feel free to do so! Comment below or stop the website and drop me an email! See you next time!



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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