5 Myths About Scaling Your Business with a Signature Course


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Hey boss lady! You have GOT THIS. You’re rocking and rolling with the services you offer and now you’re ready to reach more people. A signature course is absolutely the best way to do that.

I mean think about it… You’ve been working with your clients for how long now? Yeah, a long time. You’ve honed your skills. You’ve worked out the kinks to your method. You. Know. Your. Ish.

And you want to help more people but there are only so many hours in the day. So take all that fabulously juicy knowledge of yours, put it in a killer course and get it out there!

Maybe you’ve got some doubts or heard some myths about about why this isn’t a good idea. That’s ok. I’ve got you covered. We’re going to bust those myths right now.

Myth 1: Creating a course is overwhelming and stressful.

I mean, there’s some truth to this myth. If you’re not sure what you’re doing or your flying blind, then it can absolutely be overwhelming and stressful.

But it doesn’t have to be.

All you need is a plan. Plan out your course and creating it will be a thousand times easier. What is your course going to be about? What is the end result for your student or client? What do they need to do to get from point A to point B?  

And then you need to decide how you’re going to share your smarts with your people. Are you going to make videos? Workbooks? Audios? All of the above?

Create an outline of everything you need your course to cover and how you’re going to teach each topic, and I promise you the whole thing will be way less overwhelming.

Myth 2: There’s already a course out there teaching what you teach.

I’ll be honest. This one’s probably true too. But, there’s no course out there teaching this stuff the way YOU teach it. There is someone out there who needs to hear it from you. It’s up to you to get out there and teach it the way that only you can.

So don’t let this myth stop you. Because it doesn’t matter how many other similar courses are already out there. It needs to be taught the way you teach.


Myth 3: You have to have a large list and community to sell a course.

I think it’s important to note here that to be successful selling a course, you should offer some services first. It’s not a requirement by any means, but if you’ve offered services first then you most likely have a fairly engaged community, even if it’s small.

And chances are there’s a handful of people in that community who will buy a course from you because they have been following you for a while and trust you.

But if you are brand spanking new with a small community who hasn’t gotten to know you yet, it’s going to be incredibly difficult to sell a course to them.

So no, you don’t need a large community or email list to sell a course, but your community does need to be engaged!

Myth 4: There is too much tech involved in setting up a course.

There are so many all in one course platforms out there that this is almost a non-issue. Choosing a platform like Thinkific, Teachable, or Kajabi takes nearly all the guesswork out of putting your course together.

These platforms host all of your content, lay it out for your students, and even drip the content if you don’t want them to have access to everything at once.

Now there is some tech involved in the video and audio recordings, but hey, it’s an online course. There’s gotta be some tech, right?

Myth 5: Building out the course is too much of a time suck.

I think this is a common myth because there’s always a learning curve when it comes to learning new platforms. And if you don’t have your course well planned out, there can be a lot of arranging and rearranging of modules, videos, and workbooks.

But once you have the content created and laid out, it really doesn’t take much time to put it all into course form!

The bottom line is creating a course isn’t as tough as it seems. You just need the right help in your corner to make sure it’s done efficiently and done right!

Didn’t I tell you I had you covered? Click here to get the checklist to end all checklists to create your killer course + tons of other amazing goodies!



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


Is There a Ton of Tech Involved in Course Creating?


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