Is There a Ton of Tech Involved in Course Creating?


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Let me start off by saying I get off this question all the time. I think the thought of a lot of tech in course creating scares entrepreneurs off because tech can be a very tricky thing.

But I want you to know that the tech involved in creating a course does not have to be scary. There are plenty of platforms out there that are designed to make it as easy as possible. Even for those who are less than tech-savvy.

But the answer to the question is yes, there is quite a bit tech involved. I mean, you are creating an online course that people can access from their computers or their smartphones. It will have videos, audios, and probably workbooks. You may even have live chats with your students. Or another way for them to chat with each other about what they’re learning. Or a way for them to chat with you about what they’re learning and ask you questions.

And since this is all done remotely where everybody is anywhere in the world Tech is absolutely going to be involved in getting this created.

But the truth is that even though there’s a lot of tech involved in creating an online signature course, it’s absolutely life-changing once you have it done and out into the world.

Think about it though. Because you may be offering a coaching service of some kind or maybe you’re teaching people how to do something. But you can only help so many people one on one. You can only have so many people as clients to work directly with you. You can only have so many people in a group program. And you can only run so many group programs at a time, in a month, in a year.

But if you start taking that content you’re teaching your one-on-one and group program clients and put it into a course, there's absolutely no limit to how many people can join. Unlike the limit on how many people you can help one on one. 

With you teaching in the videos, providing them with worksheets to guide them through everything they need to know, and offering support to the group couple times a week, it's the next best thing to working with you directly!

Offering a course is life-changing on at least two different levels. For one, you’re changing the lives of even more people because you can reach more people with your course. It's also life-changing for you because while you may be capped at how many people you can help personally, you are now unlimited in how many you can reach.

You can make a bigger impact on the world while also scaling your business and increasing your income. You're no longer capped at the number of people you can help as personal clients. And that is a win for everyone! 

Now if you’re ready to start creating your course but you have no idea where to start, I have something just for you. Click here to get my free checklist on how to create your signature course. It will take you step-by-step through everything you need to get your course off sticky notes and out and out into the world!

PS: You’ll get access to a TON of other goodies too! Get instant access→



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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