The Morning Routine That Helps Me Stay Productive Throughout The Day


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Morning routines. They are all the rage, right?

Everyone has one. Everyone needs one. And EVERYONE is telling you that.

But it’s hard sometimes to figure out just what that routine would be. For a long time, I struggled getting a workout in because one of my favorite things was to wake up slowly with my coffee.

That doesn’t sound detrimental to a workout routine but what usually happened was me having 2 cups of leisurely coffee, and by the time I was done, it was 10ish in the morning. Which meant it was time to get to work.

So by then, I felt like I was already behind in my day and didn’t have time to work out. Which, was really a joke.

I started to play around with different times, the order of events, what did I actually want to include in my morning routine.

And this is what I came up with. It’s been working for me for the last few months. I hope you can find some ideas and inspiration to put together your perfect morning routine.

Bathroom + Weight

Okay it might seem kind of silly to add this one but it is pretty important to me. Obviously, the first thing most of us do when we wake up is going to the bathroom. I mean, kinda necessary, ha.

But I also take my weight while I’m in there. I do this every morning. You absolutely don’t have to do this if you don’t need or want to. But this year I’ve been focusing on my health, and for me that means tracking my weight regularly.

It helps me to make sure I’m moving in the right direction. Yes, it goes up from time to time. But that’s okay. It helps me learn how my body reacts to certain foods and activities so I know where I may need to make some adjustments.

My scale connects to an app that keeps all the data for me, but I also like using an app called Happy Scale. This one’s awesome because I log the weight every day, even if it’s gone up. And it gives me my overall progress. So even if the scale has gone up the past couple of days, this app shows me my overall trend.

Pre-workout + Change Clothes

Okay now it’s time to get ready for my workout.

Once I’ve woken up and finished the emergency morning stuff (bathroom, wash face, brush teeth, weight tracking), I change clothes for my workout and drink my pre-workout energy drink.

I love coffee like no one else, but this drink comes even before my coffee and it’s fabulous. It gets me ready to push as hard as I can during my workout, which ultimately gives me energy for the whole day.

What’s On Tap for the Day

While I’m drinking my pre-workout drink, I check out Asana. I try very hard not to fall into the rabbit hole that is Facebook and emails at this time… sometimes I fail.

But ultimately this few minutes of the morning is reserved only for checking out what I have to do that day. It helps me to set my intention during my workout and gives me a heads up for what the rest of the day holds as far as content creation, client work, calls, etc go.


The fun part of my morning! I never thought I would say that, ever. But for real, I hate missing workouts now.

I personally love strength training. So that’s what I focus on most of the time. My favorite workouts to follow are right here.

I’m also a HUGE fan of runDisney races. So I also mix in running using the C25k or 10k apps. So generally, my week looks like this:

Monday - leg day
Tuesday - long run
Wednesday - upper body day
Thursday - run
Friday - total body day
Saturday - HIIT
Sunday - run + recover

It’s been working fabulously for me and I hate that I waited so long to get into this routine!

Coffee + Breakfast + Shower

Immediately after my workout, I grab some coffee and toast with peanut butter. Simple. Filling. Refuels my body after morning movement.

Sometimes this also includes a recover drink. I love this to help keep my muscles from getting sore the next day.

The most important thing here is that I have the coffee and toast immediately after my workout so I can cool down before i get in the shower.

Quiet Time

Quiet time looks like a few different things. Sometimes I meditate. Sometimes I read the daily email I get from Proverbs 31. Sometimes I listen to a sermon from Christ Fellowship. Sometimes I write.

The point here is just to fill my spirit in whatever way feels good to me that day.

Personal Development + Money Mindset

This looks different from day to day sometimes. Most of the time, I read a book. Just a few pages a day is all it takes.

Occasionally I’ll listen to a book or podcast. But I find that when I’m listening to something, I feel the need to be working on something else at the same time. So I usually only listen when I’m driving somewhere. Otherwise I want to work on something else and don’t actually take in anything that I’ve heard.

Sometimes I journal on my money thoughts. Journaling is difficult for me so I don’t do this as often as I should. But I like to think of it as writing a letter to the Universe. What I’m grateful for, what I need, what I want. It releases those thoughts from pinging around in my mind all the time so I can focus on receiving the guidance I need to make those things happen.

Your morning routine is 100% personal. Do what feels good to you. What fills your cup before you dive into the crazy of the day. Before clients start messaging you. Before you jump into writing blog posts.

I’d love to know what the favorite part of your morning routine is! Let me know in the comments!



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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