A Key Thing I Learned at Rise Business


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I don't know about you but sometimes it's hard to focus, amiright?


I hear ya.

Some days it's easy to roll out of bed and jump into work and have the best day ever!

All the client work is done
That new sales page is written.
Social media scheduled. 
Blog posts planned. 

And some days, you're 4 coffees deep and somehow Facebook is open... again. 🤦🏻‍♀️how does that keep happening?

I've got something for you that I think might help. 

We're going to find your productive groove. 

It's something I learned at Rise Business last year that I thought was so smart and helpful. ​I mean, everything I learned there was amazing 🤯But this stuck with me for those days Facebook keeps opening for no reason. 

​So your productive groove consists of the things you can do, no matter where you are, to get yourself into a productive mindset. 

These can be things like music, working in a certain place, eating a specific thing...

For example, my productivity is highest when I'm either in a space in the house away from everyone else, or at Starbucks. ​I miss you, Starbucks! ​😭I've always got lots of water with me, and some kind of background noise, usually music. 

If you're not sure what your productive groove looks like, ask yourself these questions about times when you felt the most productive:

+ Where were you?
+ What were you eating?
+ What were you drinking?
+ What were you wearing?
+ What time of day was it?
+ What were you listening to?

I'm going to add one more here and ask you ​What were you doing?​ Because being a tech and systems person myself, I find I'm most productive when I'm focused on that. Working on SEO, building a course, building a funnel. 

So while you're figuring out your productive groove, you can use your findings to help fine tune your offerings and how you structure your days. 

Just a thought. 😉



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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