5 Reasons You Need SEO for Your Online Business


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It’s easy to make SEO an afterthought. But here’s why you shouldn’t.

Don’t forget to grab your FREE SEO for Squarespace checklist!

If you’re unfamiliar with the term, SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. It basically refers to whether your site is set up for Google to find it when someone searches for what you do.

It’s soooo easy to put this off when you’re making your website. Especially if you’re like me and you just want to GET IT OUT THERE ALREADY! But even if that sounds like you, it’s okay and it’s not too late! Make a few tweaks to your site and people will be finding you on Google in no time.

So let’s dive into some of the reasons you NEED SEO for your business!

people are searching for you even if they don’t know it

Think about that for a minute. Whatever it is you offer the world, someone is searching for it.

I sent my friend an idea the other day of a course he should make. He said “There’s 1 million people that do that and no one makes any money, but good idea.”

So I replied with “There are a million people doing pretty much everything.”

Because it’s true. The difference between the ones who make money and the ones who don’t is whether they are being FOUND.

People want what you have. Even if there are a million other people who already do it. You bring something different to the table.

They need you. And they need to find you.

SEO plays a HUGE role in that. If your website is set up properly for SEO, someone looking for online guitar lessons will find you because you’ll pop up on the first page of Google search results for online guitar lessons. Despite the million other people also offering online guitar lessons. That’s the magic.

Of course this goes for ANYTHING you sell or offer. If your site is set up with the key words people actually search for when looking for what you do, you will start to show up for them even if they don’t know who you are right now. That’s free, qualified, quality leads coming right at you!

traffic traffic traffic

This kind of goes along with the first reason. If people are searching for what you do, and your website pops up as a top result, it will bring traffic to your site. And the more traffic you get coming to your site, the more Google is going to favor it in search results.

See how that works?

Plus, the traffic coming from search engines like Google is quality traffic. People are already searching for what you have to offer. So when they land on your site, they are way more likely to actually be interested in what you have.

As opposed to paid ads and constant social media posts that are pushing your content out to people who may or may not be interested in it. Those people aren’t necessarily looking for you. Your content is being shown to them based on algorithms and who knows what else. And maybe eventually someone who needs it will see it. But it’s going to take a hell of a lot longer to find quality leads if this is your only way of reaching people.

So I’ll say it again: People using Google are looking for YOU. So make sure they can FIND YOU.

Grab your free SEO for Squarespace checklist here to get started!

increases quality leads

Are you starting to see a theme here? 😉

When people are looking for what you have to offer, they are way more likely to convert to a paying client or customer when they land on your website. Because you’re not trying to sell them on something they don’t need. They already know they need it, they were looking for it.

Just imagine the leads you get from Facebook or Instagram. You may totally get some quality leads from there, but let’s face it, it’s very difficult to make sales on either platform. Because for the most part, people are there to be social, not to be sold to.

The leads that land on your website from search engines are ready to buy.

no paid ads

You can absolutely do paid Google ads, but you don’t have to. Because if your SEO is working for you, you’ll show up at the top of the search results anyway. You don’t need to spend money on tons of ads to be seen. You just need to have keywords placed in the right places on your website.

It also makes SEO way more cost effective because guess what… SEO is free! And it never sleeps. So no ads you need to watch. No ad spend to plan for. Just optimize your site and let it do the work for you!

builds trust

I think this is my favorite part of SEO for websites. It builds trust between you and the people searching for you. Think about it for a second. If you search for a branding coach, you’re probably going to check out the first 2-3 websites that pop up in the results. And most likely choose to work with one of them.

Showing up in the top of the search results, or even on the first page, builds trust with your audience because Google is a trusted search engine. So the results that pop up at the top of the page are what Google knows are quality results and people will trust those results too.

So, are you ready to get started optimizing your website for SEO? Let me know in the comments if you’re going to get started! And if you need a starting point, check out this blog post on SEO Basics for Squarespace!



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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