Let Someone Else Do Your Work!
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Wait, what?
Yes, I said it! Let someone else do some of your work. I know, as business owners, that’s a difficult concept to grasp sometimes. We obviously know what’s best for our businesses, right?
But does that mean we are always the best to do all of those tasks all of the time? Nope. Most of us probably learned in preschool or kindergarten that everyone is good at different things and that is true here, too.
Maybe you are a kick-ass writer but aren’t very good at designing graphics for your blog. Or, you just don’t like designing graphics. Or scheduling your social media. Or organizing your emails. You get the idea.
This is the time to delegate those tasks out. Yes, I know, "But no one knows my business like I do!" Again, you are probably right. But think of it this way: whatever your business is, your speciality, your money-maker, THAT'S what you should be spending your time on. You aren't making money if you are spending all of your time making graphics to promote a blog post across every form of social media instead of coaching your clients. You also aren't making money if after all the time spent making those graphics, you are spending what's left of your day scheduling all those social media posts.
Let someone else do that for you.
Yes, it may be an additional expense to hire someone to help with those tasks. But think about all the additional revenue you could be bringing in by focusing your time and talents on what makes you money. Your hired help will pay for itself before you know it.
Before you even say it, let me! "But I can't afford to hire someone full time!"
Then don't!
You really don't need to hire someone to work as a part of your business. In fact I recommend not doing that. Adding a hired employee will add a lot of paper work and tax and benefit questions to the equation. You can hire someone as an independent contractor who will do the work you need done, in just a few hours a week. And you, as an employer, do not have to provide any of the benefits you would need to provide to a regular employee. How about that? Another money saver!
And think about this. If you pass along the tasks that you dread most, you will love your business again. I’m not saying you don’t love it now, but think about it. If you knew you could work today and not do *insert dreaded task here* wouldn’t it make your day SO MUCH BETTER?! I thought so!
Chances are if there's a pain point in the operations of your business, there is someone out there who specializes in it. Find them. Shoot them an email and see how they can help. You will be SO GLAD you did!
PS: CLICK HERE for my BRAND NEW workbook on how to save 30 hours a month + tons of other goodies to help you rock your online business!
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Hi, I’m Delana!
I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!