Virtual Assistants: Not Just for Long-Term Help


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Do you ever feel like you could use a little help in your biz? Sure you love being a one-woman show but come on, occasionally it gets a little overwhelming right? 

Have you thought about hiring a virtual assistant but keep thinking you don't need someone long term, just a little help here and there?

Good. Keep reading.

The amazing thing about virtual assistants is that we are here to help YOU. And we are extremely versatile. 

Imagine that you're working on a HUGE launch. I'm talking this is the end-all, be-all of your existence at the moment. You are moving along and you are knocking things out of the park. Now its time to work on the 30 pages of PDFs you need for your course/content upgrade/etc. And it needs to be done by Tuesday (OMG its Friday!). 

What do you do?

You could stay up all night the next 4 nights working on them. Forgoing sleep, food, and any other human contact. 

Or you could hire someone to create them for you. 


If you've ever thought, "I could use some help but I don't need help ALL the time," I'm talking to you. 

When you research virtual assistants, most of the time you will see pricing geared towards long term clients. Its kind of part of the deal when you think about it. Everyone wants steady, consistent income, so we market to business owners who are looking for steady, consistent help.

That doesn't necessarily mean we are not available to help with individual projects. Personally, I love individual projects as much as I love having steady clients. It kind of gives me that feeling of checking things off the list when I hand over a finished project. And the awesome bonus of helping you check things off your list.

If you feel like you need help and are trying to decide if you need long term or project based help, consider a few things:

  • Are you struggling with keeping up with regular biz tasks or just with finishing one project?

  • Are you having trouble creating a type of content that is completely new to you or out of your comfort zone?

  • Do you need help focusing on an area of your business that is not your area of expertise?

Answering yes to any of those questions indicates you could benefit from the help of a virtual assistant. Here is a FREE checklist that will help you determine which route you should take when looking for one!

Let's not forget that hiring a little extra help from someone who is an expert in an area of business benefits your business and you. Your biz will boom from having that expert knowledge work on it. And you will be able to focus on the reason why you started your business in the first place instead of stressing about getting those 30 PDFs done. 


Have you ever thought about hiring a virtual assistant? What made you decide to (or decide not to)? Hit reply to tell me!

Don't forget your FREE checklist to help you determine if a long-term virtual assistant or project based one is better for you and your business!



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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