How to Create a Funnel with a Tripwire


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Let’s talk about how to add a tripwire to your freebie download! I know… sounds so exciting, right? I think this is important because the tripwire can really boost your business. Probably a lot more than you think. And it takes very little effort and extra work.

Before we get started, just in case anyone is wondering, a tripwire is a low price offer that is shown to your new subscribers right after they subscribe. The offer is usually priced low, between $7 and $27.

I’m sure you’re wondering how something priced so low could boost your business. I mean, I was! But it’s really quite simple.

If you’re using Facebook ads to get leads to your freebie, the tripwire could easily offset the cost of the ads.

And if you’re not using ads, then it’s a nice little source of passive income. Once you set it up, you won’t have to touch it again for a while. SWEET!

So let get in to how they work. But I want to preface this by saying I can’t get into the specific steps for setting this up here. The specific steps depend 100% on your email platform, your website platform, if you’re using Leadpages or Click Funnels (or neither!) You get the idea!

But I’ve gotten tons of questions about the semantics of setting up a tripwire. So that’s what I want to cover here.

So let’s start with the basics. Your freebie. This will typically be the starting point of your funnel. You can send your leads to the freebie sign up however you want: from a blog post, a landing page, a pop up form, it doesn’t really matter.

But once they sign up is when the magic happens! When they sign up, they might get a confirmation email to start. And depending on what email platform you use, the confirmation email can also send your free gift to your new subscriber. If it doesn’t, they’ll receive another email with their free gift.

Now, immediately after they subscribe, even before they get the confirmation email, they will be redirected to a thank you page. This page basically thanks them for signing up, tells them to check their email including spam folders for the confirmation email/free gift. And …

Has the tripwire offer. Kind of like a mini sales page. I emphasize mini here because you want people to see this offer and make a decision quick, not bog them down with a TON of information. I mean, it’s a very low price offer so they should be able to decide quickly.

There will be a buy now button on this page for your free offer. Make it easy for them to buy it right then. You might even want to include a countdown timer to urge the decision making along!

Here’s where we run into different paths depending on what your free offer is. If it’s a PDF, you can host it in Gumroad. So they click the button, are taken to the check out page, then Gumroad delivers the PDF as soon as they pay. DONE! Money in the bank, yo!

If it’s a mini course of some kind, you can host it in Teachable. So they click the button, are taken to Teachable to check out and have instant access. Bam! Dolla dolla bills, ya’ll!

See where I’m going with this?

(Super easy passive income!)

That’s all there is to the tripwire. Easy right! But now that they’ve said yes or no to that, you still want to engage them for downloading your freebie. So going back to your email platform, you’ll want to set up your automated emails that follow up your free offer.

These emails are the perfect opportunity to give lots of value and then offer a higher priced product or service. Your audience will have gotten to know you by now so they’ll be better primed to buy.

That’s really all there is to it! Sign up form for free offer to thank you page with tripwire offer (the freebie download is sent at the same time). Then follow up with a short series of emails introducing yourself to your new subscribers.


Now go set up your funnel!

And grab your free checklist to make sure you don’t miss anything right here!

PS: If you’re looking for a whole slew of video tutorials that take you through the most popular and commonly used online business platforms, look no further. The Virtual Assistant Library is for you, my dear! In this bundle I walk you through the basics in short, digestible content. So you can stop Googling and get ish done already. Get instant access right here!



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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