5 Steps to a Consistent Pinterest Routine


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Something I've picked up from talking to clients and other people on the interwebs, including myself (you talk to yourself too, right? 😅) It's pretty difficult to land on a sustainable Pinterest routine.

That's one thing I searched for over and over and over and never really found a solid answer that I thought would work for me.

So I set out to find my own method and I want to share that with you today! 🎉

☑️ First things first, you've got to have a Tailwind account. Sure, you can grow your Pinterest account by manually pinning EVERYTHING. But come on, do you want to? The key to a life of time freedom is automation. So if you're not automating Pinterest, you're really missing out here.

☑️ Next you need to set up your schedule in Tailwind. Once you connect your Pinterest account, Tailwind will look at all sorts of things behind the scenes and make a schedule based on when your account gets the most activity. The great thing is, it adjusts this as your account gains traction so your pins are always getting the most visibility possible!

☑️ Now that's all out of the way, schedule your pins. I like to use the interval scheduling option. I used to use Loops to schedule my own pins but since Pinterest changed some of their preferences for pins, I started scheduling them myself using the Intervals option. The difference is that the because Pinterest wants more fresh content, you don't want to keep looping your pins over and over and over. You want to add new pins for the same pieces of content. So make a pin, schedule it to no more than 10 boards using intervals to space out their pin times, then make another pin for the same piece and schedule it the same way. Your schedule fills up and Pinterest gets fresh content to share.

☑️ Fill in the rest of your schedule with curated content from other pinners. If you Google search what the ratio should be of your content vs. other content, you'll find any answer you're looking for 😂 To be honest it's really going to depend on how much content you have. If you're just starting out, your ratio may be a a little lower, like 20% your content, 80% curated content. But as you have more blogs and evergreen content to share, you want to work towards flipping that ratio around to where you're sharing mostly your own content.

Pro tip: don't share pins of someone who does exactly what you do. 😉 We want to share the love, for sure. But you don't want someone landing on your board and clicking someone else's pin who is an expert in the same niche. Share things your ideal client is interested it but that doesn't relate to your own content.

☑️ Now that we've covered the basics, what I like to do is whenever I have a new blog post, I schedule it using the interval schedules. Next, I'll schedule a new pin image for a blog post I haven't shared in a while. There's no strict time rules here. Choose a post your audience needs to see again. Then I'll fill in the gaps in the schedule for the next week or 2 with curated content.

I'll do this usually once a week and make sure the schedule is filled up for at least one week. I try to keep it 2 weeks out just in case something comes up and I can't get back to it on the day the pins run out. You can schedule as far ahead as you want!


Can't wait to see you on Pinterest!



PS: Grab your copy of my free SEO + Pinterest Tipsheet right here!

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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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