6 Things to do for Your Business During Unplanned Downtime


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We’re hearing all the talk right now about business downtime and what that means for small businesses. So in this post, we’re going to talk about six things you can start doing right now to proactively set your business up for success now, and in the future when things get back to “normal.”

Downtime doesn’t mean stop.

There, I said it.

We keep hearing all this talk about “this season” and “don’t sell right now.” But look. If you can keep going in your business right now, for the love of all things Disney KEEP GOING. WE NEED YOU.

But I understand that some businesses right now are having to take a step back. Maybe you’re a wedding photographer whose weddings were cancelled or postponed. Or maybe you’re a live event planner running into the same thing.

I hear you. You can’t plan or participate in your events right now thanks to social distancing. I get it.

But I also want to tell you that that doesn’t mean you stop.

I’m sure you’ve heard in 1000 other places that you should pivot your business. Sell online gift cards, make an online course, offer new photo packages to past customers (because you already have their pics, right!)

That’s all well and good. If you can pivot, do it. Seriously.

I also want you to think about what you can do behind the scenes of your current business the way it stands RIGHT NOW, so that you come out on the other side of this WAY ahead.

Some of these things might look different for you and that’s okay. But I’m going to list the top things you should be working on right now to boost your business when things get back to “normal.”

Here we go!


So many times I see SEO put on the back burner. Because you don’t know what to do. Because it takes so much time.

Well, now is the time.

Imagine if in 3 months when everything is starting to get back to normal, your website is showing up on page one of Google. People start searching for help with what you do, and YOU are who they find. Stop putting SEO off for another day. Another day is now.

Here are 3 simple steps to improve your Google ranking and the 5 things you need to add to every blog post. You know, just to get you started.


I love Pinterest. I talk about it all the time. If you’re not using Pinterest for your business, you are missing out, sister.

Pinterest is right up there with SEO for me. If you’ve been in my community for any time at all, you know how much I don’t like posting on social media. And for the longest time, I was told that was the only way to run a business.

But it isn’t.

Pinterest is the king of driving traffic to your website. It needs to be the first step in your marketing funnel. Get someone’s attention on Pinterest, get them to your website, get them in your community. Stop missing out on this key tool.

Here are my top Pinterest SEO tips for 2020 and how to optimize your Pinterest profile so you don’t have to wait another minute!

I’ve got a free guide that breaks down SEO and Pinterest! Grab it here!

Serve Clients Differently

We touched on pivoting your business earlier.

I don’t think this is a matter of “I’m a photographer but I can’t photograph people anymore so now I’m going to raise zebras.”

I mean if you want to raise zebras, who am I to judge! Go for it!

But don’t try to change your ENTIRE business because of this season. Just tweak it slightly.

How can you serve your clients, the same ones that have been on your list for years, differently? What do they need now? It’s time to get creative.

Can you offer them a course?
Or host paid online trainings?
Sell gift cards for future services?
Sell a digital product they can use (like presets or templates)?

There are some options here so don’t get stuck in a trap. It might not be easy. But it’s not impossible.

Content Calendar

If you’re not working with clients right now, or your work has tapered off a little bit, use this time to work on your content calendar.

Listen to me. Do not stop showing up for your community!

For me, that looks like continuing to blog. Continuing to work on my SEO. Continuing to work and tweak my Pinterest strategies.

Maybe for you that looks like Instagram posts, IG lives, IG stories, Facebook. Emails. Keep showing up. Keep giving value.

If you keep showing up for your community now, they will be there for you when all of this craziness dies down.

So use this time to work on your content calendar. Plan ahead. Map things out. Write. Schedule. Get ahead.


Plan and write out upcoming blogs. These are a KEY element of SEO. Not the end all be all, but, when you can show Google that you consistently update your website with fresh, new content, it helps boost your ranking.

You don’t need to blog every single week. Write a blog twice a month.

I’m adding blogging here because it also gives you content to add to Pinterest.

See where I’m going with this?

If you’re struggling getting your website SEO optimized or putting content on Pinterest, blogging will help.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Pick one thing you help your clients with, just one little thing, and give them some tips on it. That’s it!

I’ve got a free guide that breaks down SEO and Pinterest! Grab it here!


Learn something new! This can be business related but it doesn’t have to be.

Take the time to learn something new. Right now I’m learning French. And I take the time to listen to a personal development training of some kind. It tends to be from Rachel Hollis since Hollis Co is running a #next90days challenge right now!

But the point is, take this time to learn something you’ve always wanted to learn.

Learn how to properly handle business finances.
A new language.
A new style of photography.
How to play piano.

Don’t let yourself get stuck in this downtime to the point where you can’t start running again when things calm down.

Keep moving forward, my friend.



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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