How to Create Your First Digital Product in ConvertKit (Without Feeling Overwhelmed!)


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Do you remember the first time you thought about creating a digital product? Maybe you had an idea, but the process seemed so daunting, and the tech part? Well, let’s just say that was enough to make you put it off for another day… or week… or year. Sound familiar?

I’ve been there, and the good news is: it’s actually a lot simpler than it seems. You don’t need a huge team or fancy tech skills to get your product out into the world. In fact, with tools like ConvertKit, you can go from idea to product launch faster than you might think. Let me show you how.

The Moment I Realized It Was Easier Than I Thought

A few years ago, I was staring at my laptop, feeling like I needed a degree in coding just to figure out how to get my first digital product online. I had this great idea for a template that I knew would help people, but every time I sat down to create it, I hit a wall.

One day, I decided enough was enough—I needed a solution that didn’t make me want to pull my hair out. Enter ConvertKit.

I logged in, followed a few simple steps, and before I knew it, I was looking at my very own product page. That’s the moment I realized creating and selling a digital product didn’t have to be so hard. I want to help you have that same moment of clarity.

The First Step: Setting Up in ConvertKit

So, let’s get started. Head over to ConvertKit, and go to the “Earn” tab where you'll find the option to create products. Don’t worry if you haven’t set up payments yet; ConvertKit will guide you through connecting to Stripe.

💡 Here’s a quick tip from my experience: if you’re moving from a different email provider, that transition can seem like a hassle. That’s why I created ConvertKit Kickstart. This guide was born out of my own need when I made the switch. It’s an 8-page, step-by-step walk-through to make everything smoother, from setting up your new account to migrating your email lists. Trust me, it’s a lifesaver! Oh yeah, its free!

The "Aha!" Moment: Creating Your Product

Once you’ve got your account and payments set up, it’s time for the fun part—creating your product! I still remember how I felt when I clicked “Create Product” for the first time. It was like all those ideas that had been floating around in my head for months were finally becoming real.

You can create anything from an eBook to a template or an online course. This is your chance to put your passion into something tangible. Add your product details, decide on pricing (you can even add discounts or promotions), and you're on your way!

For me, seeing my product page take shape was the moment I thought, “This is actually happening!”

Designing the Product Page: Keep It Simple

When it comes to setting up your product page, ConvertKit makes it really easy with beautiful templates that are ready to go. All you have to do is fill in your details—add a few images, a compelling description, and maybe some testimonials if you’ve got them.

When I created my first product, I realized something: you don’t need to have a perfect, polished page to get started. My first product page wasn’t the most beautiful thing in the world, but it worked. It connected with the right people, and that’s what mattered most. You can always tweak and improve as you go.

My First Sale: The Thrill of Launching

I'll never forget the day I made my first sale. It was late at night, and I was refreshing my email, not really expecting much. Then, boom—there it was. Someone had bought my product! It was a small sale, but it felt like the biggest win in the world. I jumped out of bed and did a little happy dance (true story).

That first sale lit a fire under me. It made me realize that creating digital products wasn’t just a dream—it was totally doable. And now, I want you to feel that same rush of excitement.

You’ve Got This!

Before you know it, your digital product will be live and ready for the world to see. You don’t need to be a tech wizard. You just need a bit of guidance and a platform like ConvertKit that takes the heavy lifting out of the process.

If you still feel unsure or need a little extra help, remember ConvertKit Kickstart is here for you. You’re not alone in this journey. We all start somewhere, and I’m here to make sure you cross that finish line with confidence.

The hardest part is starting, but once you do, I promise you’ll look back and wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.



PS: Hey Solopreneur! I see you over there trying to do all the things. Guess what, you don’t have to! I’ve got a few spots open for day rate support (which includes 30 days of follow-up support!) to help you knock out those big projects. Learn more here and send me a message on the info page! ✨

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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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