Why I Quit Social Media


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I want to share with you a story. Okay, I didn't quit social media entirely. I still love to engage with people there. And you can still find me on IG and Facebook.

But maybe you're feeling the same way I was about using it for business. And I want you to know you're not alone and there are other ways to get ish done.

I am not a fan of social media. I think it's fine to share the occasional vacation pictures and keep up with family and friends. But I don't like using it to try to find new clients or show my smarts.

I hate writing posts for Facebook groups.

Where everyone sounds the same. No one is actually reading them. All that work writing just falls into a black hole. And you have to follow someone else's rules to even post anything in the first place.

Not. For. Me.

I lost so much time in my business stressing over this. Days and weeks and months of being practically invisible. Not because I was afraid of visibility, but because the method everyone else is using didn't feel good to me.

But I didn't know what else to do. How was I supposed to get my content and business in front of new eyes if I wasn't posting on social media and in Facebook groups 24/7?

That's when I learned just how powerful Pinterest and SEO could be.

I always knew they were great tools. And dabbled in them a little here and there. But never used them to their full potential or with any real intention.

But after chatting with my business coach (seriously, if you don't have one, get one!) about how I struggled with posting on social media all the time and on someone else's terms, and how much I love the behind the scenes work in business, we decided this was the way to go.

Both in how I show up and attract new clients into my business and with what I help those clients with.

In just over 2 months, I've increased my Pinterest views over 300%! From about 15k per month to 132k per month.

And while I'm not ranked #1 on Google for Squarespace SEO Expert and Pinterest Manager (yet!) I'm ranking #1 for Tech VA (and signed a client from this!), and ranking on page one for Pinterest SEO 2020, and for a few other things I’ve written and taught about in the past. And a few other pages and blogs are moving on up the Google ranks. 😉That's after only a couple of months of being super SEO focused.

The reason I'm telling you all this is so that you know that if the way everyone else is doing it doesn't feel good to you, you can find another way.

And if this is sounding like the direction you want to move, (you don’t have to give up social media entirely to implement these new strategies!) but you need some help getting started, head over here for help getting started with Pinterest!

Ready to give your website an SEO boost? Gotcha covered right here.

I promise, whichever one of these you choose to start implementing to compliment (or replace) your social media strategy, you won’t be sorry. Although I highly recommend both because they really do work together beautifully.

The really gorgeous thing about them is they you an (almost) set them and forget them!

Not quite true with social media, amiright?

Sure, with each new blog post, you’ll have to SEO optimize it. But, with your site as a whole, optimize a few key places and Google handles the rest. You don’t have to keep going back every month and making updates to anything. Do some up front research on your keywords, use them in your copy and place them in the SEO optimized sections of your site and you’re set!

The same goes for Pinterest! There’s this magical little app called Tailwind that makes Pinterest pinning almost completely automated. You’ve still got to create your own pins and curate the content you want to share. But with SmartLoops and a schedule you can fill up for months, you can spend a few hours on it one day and not touch it again for a month!

It truly is the miracle combination for people like me (and maybe you?) who don’t want to live their lives desperately scrolling social media for new clients.

Stop that ish.



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Hi, I’m Delana!

I'm a Business Systems + Operations Consultant for female entrepreneurs who are struggling to create defined, sustainable systems and processes in their business. I help them create the systems they need so they can confidently hire team members and get back to their clients… and their life!


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